A popular anime that was animated in 2002 and ended in 2017, Naruto is anime about a boy named Naruto who wants to be known as hero to the hidden leaf village since he is hated by his peers for having the 9 tails inside of him which destroyed the hidden leaf village but saved by naruto's parents who were than killed after placing the 9 tails inside naruto. Naruto is one of the most popular anime of all time due to its awesome character development awesome fight scenes enjoyable story and great villains
Friend:Hey bro you wanna watch Naruto Me:Of course I want to watch some its awesome
Naruto is an emotional orphan who screams his daddy’s name sasuke the entire show
The very best anime series, in my opinion, is about a kid named naruto trying to become the leader of the village Konoha hidden leaf village leader Hokage and is becoming stronger as a leader it's a great show seriously recommend it
a awesome anime where people eat irichaku ramen/Naruto favorite restaurant and some people in Naruto kakashi,saskue,sakura/trash,kiba,madara,itachi,obito,hinata,nagato,tsunade,garra,minato,orichamaru,rock lee,deidara,pain,shikamaru,neji,inu,sasori,temari,shisui,kushina,hashirama,tenten,konan
An anime character with a demon fox sealed within him
Naruto is my favorite anime character
an animanga that was unintentionally really fucking gay
“Naruto is better than mid piece”
“What?? No way, that show is full of faggots. The author thought he was slick with it but Sasuke is the definition of fruitcake!”