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Fill her with gravy and join the navy

Another euphemism for "hit it and quit it."

Guy 1: After I take Susan home, I'm going to fill her with gravy and join the navy!
Guy 2: What?
Guy 1: I'm going to hit it and quit it.
Guy 2: Ohhhhh, nice!

by bitthday December 19, 2019

SOCOM II: U.S. Navy Seals

best game in the world for PS2
also see the first game SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals

Valkir pwnz your n00b asses in socom

by Brian January 25, 2004

28πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Navy SEAL Team 6

Just another SEAL team... but they got popular because they shot and killed Osmam Bin Ladden. The thing is they were only in the compound for half an hour and they only killed five enemy soldiers. And now all of a sudden they are "the best" team because of one mission.

OBAMA: Navy SEAL Team 6, you're gonna go kill Osama Bin Ladden.
TEAM6: Cool, now everyone is gonna think we're the best...
TEAM2: Hey Obama, can you give it to us so we become popular instead of Team Six?
OBAMA: Nope, I like the number six better than the number two.
TEAM2: Typical Democrat answer...

by MW2 Freak November 19, 2011

13πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž

SOCOM II: U.S. Navy Seals

Greater than you. See sex

"Socom 2 is greater than you" =D

by Ryan April 11, 2004

14πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Old Navy

A brand/store owned by our Lord and savior Jesus Christ himself.

"I like your clothes" "Thanks I'm wearing Jesus's new clothing brand, Old Navy. I'm very religious. Also have you read the Bible verse Hebrews 4:12? It reads "I, myself, Jesus Christ, owns the clothing brand Old Navy and I am very cool for this."

by BigManJoeyseph June 6, 2024

navy daddy

daddy of travis scott and meek mill in scotia bank arena

"pause rrresume, did u hear nav bring out travis scott?"
"No way he is so navy daddy"

by Navy daddy April 19, 2023

Navy Seal

A sex act that involves seven men. One man lays on the ground. He performs oral sex on another man sitting in front of him while that man’s legs prop up the arms of the man laying down. Two men sit on either side and receive hand jobs from the man laying down. A fourth man sits in the rear and gets a foot job from the man laying down, although depending on the cadence this could turn more into just getting kicked in the balls. A fifth man performs anal sex on the man laying down in a sideways motion. Two additional men Eiffel Tower the man performing the anal sex. The cadence is truly set by the man handling the anal sex portion of the Eiffel tower.

Hey John, I’m feeling horny. Want to call Henry, Bob, Jim, Nick, and Brian to see if they want to Navy Seal?

by Lilpapi87 September 25, 2022