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A very sad 16 year old. He just wants to talk to girls, but can't get anything right. Every day he sinks lower into the ever-expanding-pit of depression.

All Nicolas wants is companionship, and acceptance.

by saddynic December 15, 2023


Nicolas is a magnificent person with an amazing body. But he is one of the biggest simpa in the world. Also he is in love with a certain Zoe.

Wow he is really a nicolas, what a simp

by Sjamaan 007 November 22, 2021


Si alguna vez viera a un negro llamado nicolas, me iría de ahí. ese hijo de puta te va a joder. actuará tranquilo por un tiempo, pero al día siguiente este negro te seguirá a casa y te chupará la polla. COMO QUÉ MIERDA. DILE A THSI NIGGA QUE SE CALLE. ESTE TIPO LOCA 75238910 VECES AL DÍA. COMO DILE A ESTE NIGGA QUE SE CIERTE LA MIERDA. SANTA MIERDA. ESPACIALMENTE SI TE LLAMAN APODOS EXTRAÑOS. ESO ES CUANDO SABES QUE ESTE NIGGA ES UN RAY PIST

nicolas is a fuckin fag



nicolas is the most caring, thoughtful, loving and sweetest person you will ever meet. he’s so funny and can easily put a smile on someone’s face. he’s always there for you and puts you first before himself which makes him the best boyfriend in the whole entire world. i love my nicolas. hes so perfect and the most adorable human being ever.

nicolas’s gf: “i love nicolas so much he is the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for!!!!!!”
nicolas’s gf: “everyone should have a nicolas in their life. (not mine tho go kill urself

by smallpinch19 February 18, 2024


The funniest and most caring biatch you may have the pleasure of meeting.

She typically only gets along with other ‘weird’ species and will make you earn trust.

Generally has nice boobs, smile and hair. Cracking dress sense and loyal but also a bit of a dark horse. Don’t go drinking with them unless you want to end up on a plane in another country #salute

You see that nicola over there… rare species indeed

by Nicola! November 23, 2021


a straight bitch boy, nobody likes that kid. Simps like there’s so tomorrow, kinda fake too

That guy is such a Nicolas

by sippinhenny21 February 21, 2022


Nicola is a very sweet and caring person. He is always there if you need to talk or vent and is a good listener. He can’t get anything done, is a great procrastinator and he’s always wasting his time. However he is a rather intelligent person who loves to know even if at school he can not give his best. I think everyone would need a Nicola in their low moments.

A: i need someone who can listen to me when i talk 'bout my problems.
B: i think u need a Nicola.

by candelabro November 21, 2021