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Unprotected Text

The text version of "drunk dialing", in which you text someone while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The resulting texts are often composed without a filter between the fingers and the brain. As such, unprotected sex often leads to situations that are, at best, uncomfortable.

Dude 1: Dude, how did Emily end up dating such a troll?

Dude 2: She met him on myspace, man, and they started having unprotected text. Next thing you know, she can't get rid of him...

Dude 1: Woah...we should totally get high...

by Madfat September 21, 2007

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A deep desire of being connected with others through messages.

Devank sensed a text-crave whenever his colleague messaged her boyfriend.

by dksingh September 11, 2020

Text Bitch

Someone whom you text just to keep you company. You don’t have feelings for this person, but somehow you develop a daily routine with them :- updating about your day, sharing random thoughts with each other, banter and the occasional shoulder to cry on/support system.

Ben's been texting Katy almost everyday for over a month now but that's as far as it goes. She's just his text bitch. Anything more than that, is considered too much.

by dazedyetconfused48 January 22, 2020

drop text

When one texts someone for the pure purpose of having ones phone number.

“Hey, let me drop text you so that you have my number as well

by frantic jazz hands January 20, 2018

Text appeal

When someone is a very good texter, so good in fact that it convinces you that you like them.

Damn, I can't wait to hang out with this guy. He has some serious text appeal

by kcott December 2, 2010

text assault

when you receive a barrage of texts from one person, most likely when they are pissed at you.

Jeff: "Dude you're popular- your phone is blowing up!"

Jim:"Nah, pissed off my girlfriend and she is waging a "text assault" on me."

by bird is very October 13, 2010

texting stutter

When you try to type a word multiple times and you keep hitting the wrong letters and your auto-correct refuses to help you.

During texting:

Me: "deinstitutklajflk"
Me: "deinstidkjlakfl"
Me: "deinstitutionallkdjfioj"

Bob: Wow- what a texting stutter.

by unicorns4lyfe February 17, 2014