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The Loraine Virus

(n.) The Loraine Virus (commonly known as "not yourself disease") is a short-term illness lasting anywhere from 2-5 days that infects its host, sometimes through the internet, and doesn't allow the host to be themselves. It's not deadly, but can make your friends think your on crack.
*Remedy: A long mental process which involves getting back to your roots. Think about what you would normally do in a situation if you were yourself and then the true you will come back

TOM: "Yo man, i don't know what's goin down, but I'm just not myself and Kate's about to break up with me"
TAYLOR: "I know what's wrong."
TOM:"What is it?!?"
TAYLOR: "You got the Loraine Virus"

by qnsʎǝʞɹnʇ April 3, 2009

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The Melissa virus

1999 crashed a load of pc's using a strategic placed program in the main software of you pc modifacations and screen aps.

The Melissa virus is the cause of many thousands to hundreds of thousands of damage to peoples computers.

The Melissa virus was produced via web design and exploded in 1999.

by 11's00'stellItall April 26, 2010

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Corona Virus

Similar to Wine Flu a hangover you get when you drink a 30 pack of Coronas and then tequila..

Bro, i hate Cinco De Mayo,

Last year i got so wasted i had Corona Virus For 3 days!

by KrashWorship April 12, 2020

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corona virus

Deadly virus from the stupid chinese

"Everything's made in china, even our deaths!" corona virus

by Old saggy balls April 15, 2020

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the lily virus

when your hole smells like shit. occasionally leaving stains wherever you sit.

she has the the lily virus.

by theitalianwaspy July 6, 2018

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Vuenos Virus

"Vuenos Virus" is a name that has been given to a recent combinate strain (strains A + F) of Human Rhinovirus, of the Crombifitchidae family, that broke out in Tokyo, Japan during the first week of May, 2010. Origins are said to be a dance club with an alarming lack of cute girls located in the slums of Shibuya ward.

A total of 17 taxonomic proposals have been made locally (originally in Shibuya Ward but more recently Ginza District) regarding the "Vuenos Virus" as of June 02, 2010.

Unique properties of the most recent "Vuenos Virus" strain would include an unusually long single-stranded positive RNA genome of 12.6 kb in length, about 25% longer than other strains. It is considered a possibility that certain airborne chemicals such as cologne may have triggered a fierce mutation.

Symptoms include but are not limited to: persistent coughing, runny nose, an excessive tan, color contacts, body aches, tight shirts and bright-green profile images. These symptoms may last as long as a month as most medications prescribed by doctors will have no effect. Survival rate is estimated to be 42%.

Methods of transmission are standard. Aerosols, direct contact as well as consumption of contaminated skittles.

A 20-year-old student died while working part-time in Ginza after repeated visits to doctors and several courses of anti-biotics failed to cure her of the deadly Vuenos Virus.

by yamachan June 2, 2010

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Tyrant virus”. Originally part of the Resident Evil world, also used to describe the followers of Donald Trump.

“I saw Sally wearing a MAGA hat. She’s obviously been infected with the T-Virus”.

by Rickindenver December 1, 2019

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