When one dives head first into a gaping Flange or Bald Eagle. Usually getting they're eyes covered in lady cum.
That girl over there is a complete Nose Diver!
N. Someone who shows no restraint when it comes to other people's business.
2. Someone who's nose is as big as a bucket.
I.E. Neighbor who rakes his concrete while staring at the cops in your driveway.
I'm going to introduce myself to my nose Bucket neighbor who seems intent on raking his driveway while the police are at my house.
Something you can attach to your face when sick to soak up excess snot (mucus). Used because the amount of snot flowing from said nose makes sufficient wiping/blowing with kleenex impractical or impossible. When you can't just wipe, you need a nose diaper.
Dude, Christine is so sick today...she needs a nose diaper just to keep from snotting on herself.
doing coke with a bunch of people
Yo i just coped a g lets get some chicks and have a nose party
a glob of mucus.
see snot rocket.
"just gulped a nose oyster in class today"