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Oh Kitty

A term referred to in That 70's Show, when Eric walks in on Kitty and Red having sex, Red says "Oh Kitty" without emotion.

Kitty: Oh Red.

Red: Oh Kitty.

by Hendrix96 August 5, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

oh noes

Something you say when the FBI or the police are at your door, and they are after your LUNIX.

Casual use can be caused by a combination of displeasement and fear for Microsoft lawsuits against open source operating systems, such as Redhate Lunix. It may include other, less important things.

JeffK: "Oh noes, teh police! HIDE TEH LUNIX!!!11"

"Oh noes, I forgot to take your bro out of the oven!"

by Stasis AMK3 August 15, 2003

1613๐Ÿ‘ 499๐Ÿ‘Ž

oh daddy

Its what a girl says when she is getting fucked super hard .

Oh daddy fuck me harder !

by RECLAIM.RETARD August 6, 2017

98๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Oh biscuits

1. The perfect word to say in replacement of a sware word.
2. A peice of dough cooked to perfection.

"Oh biscuits i just got shot in the face with a gun."
"Mhh, gotta love these biscuits my mom made huh?"

by Gabe. =D April 8, 2010

23๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


(exclamatory phrase) a playful indication of surprise, misfortune, or insult

popularized by Tracy Morgan of Saturday Night Live, OH SNAP is seemingly derivative of oh no you didn't where an insulted person, for example a guest of Jerry Springer or often a spunky African American woman contends the insult being made against him/her. While derivative of "oh no you di-int," OH SNAP has more of an emphasis on playfulness and can be said by people other than those being insulted.

see also: OH ZIP

Ted: Man, where you been all afternoon?

Darrin: I had to stop off at your mom's place for a nooner that last a bit longer than expected.


by DT June 14, 2004

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Oh Sheet

This phrase is most often said first thing in the morning after waking and realising a really stupid thing that you did the night before. Usually the stupid thing has occurred as a result of one too many double vodka redbulls. Oh the embarrassment!

"Oh Sheet there is a dude with a beard in my bed!"

by dvrbgirl1 April 14, 2011

33๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Oh Crum!

another phrase for shoot

"I forgot my calculator Mr. J" "Oh Crum!, stinks to be you. hahaha"

by himilaintoesloths January 20, 2010