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A word that is literally used by everyone in their start of the example sentence. Omg means oh my god and is used when you saw something mindblowing.

Omg, my dog is dead
Omg, the president was murdered

by Someoneyouprobablydon'tknow August 3, 2019


short form for oh my god/ oh my gerd/ oh my gersh/oh my gosh etc.

OMG did you listen to Waste It On Me bye Steve Aoki and BTS? It was so good right?

by BANGTAN FOR LYFE AL November 21, 2018


oh my Gay is a play on oh my god, but better.

OmG, no problem!!

by EricTheGayAngel December 21, 2020


( Oh my gosh ) Being surprised or impressed with something.

"OMG thank you so much for the gift! I love it."

by Phoenix226 October 27, 2016


Oversized male genitalia

this man has a OMG!!!

by seasaltsauce September 17, 2020


OMG is a common internet expression with several variations such as OML (oh my Lord).

OMG is an abbreviation of the phrase, ‘oh my god’, commonly used when someone is surprised at something. It can also be used as an expression of annoyance.

Generally, it’s used on the internet, but it’s not unheard of for some people to say ‘oh-em-gee’ in real life.

OMG as an expression of annoyance:

Anna: Do you wanna build a snowman?

Elsa: No.

Anna: Are you sureeeee?

Elsa: I’m sure!

Anna: Are you sure, sure-

Elsa: OMG, shut up, Anna!

OMG as an expression of surprise:

Hannah: Did you see what Tay did today?!

Layla: Ummm... no.

Hannah: She slapped Jay.

Layla: OMG, what a savage!

by Tr.uth.ful.ly October 31, 2018


It means oh my god and oh my gosh

OMG! I won the contest!

by libmusic18 April 5, 2017