1. An overdraft used solely for the purchase of alcohol (common amongst students)
2. When an overdraft facility is used to obtain money for purchasing alcohol (common in the lead up to pay day)
1. "This evening I will be making use of my generous Booze-o-draft"
2. "Think I'll need to use the Booze-o-draft today"
any spirit (vodka, whiskey, moonshine, etc.) on ice with a citrus garnish in a small glass. ratio/strength is dealer's choice.
"Anyone up for a cuppa booze?"
"Yeah dog! Whatever you're making."
Money for alcoholic beverages.
I lost my job, someone stole my bike, and I've got a load of homework. I could sure use some booze coupons so that I can grab a 6-pack and take the edge off.
A booze-whore is a slut who uses guys to buy her drink(s) then gives them nothing but the bill.
that booze-whore took off without saying anything and left me with the bill.
Getting viciously hammered on a tuesday morning before the 9 to 5 shift
I woke up so hammered before the 9 to 5 dial in. I was so ceres-booze.
Injuries obtained during full on party time. A party "boo-boo"
Bro, I broke my arm last night at that party. It was my only booze-boo though so it was a good night!
something that you should always drink a lot of
she drank a ton of booze last night and got blackout drunk