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banana peel fairy

A magical creature that breaks into your home at night when you sleep with a banana peel under your pillow. The fairy then takes the banana peel and proceeds to eat a sleeve of ritz crackers in your bed next to you, leaving crumbs everywhere.

I cant wait for the banana peel fairy to crumb up my bed tonight. Fuck yea!

by workshoedick August 2, 2017

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peeled his head

giving some one a severe beating.

Tim started a fight with Mike and Mike peeled his head.

by greenmean May 16, 2010

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Peel me a grape

A peeled grape is used to stimulate a women fun parts.

Hey big boy peel me a grape and we'll start there.

by Pauly Pepper April 23, 2022

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Peeling off a Biscuit

British slang for taking a shit

Pardon me Ma'am, I was just peeling off a biscuit.

by UnownBrit April 25, 2020

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clean as a peeled egg

having a clean record; where nothing can be used against a person or give someone else a reason to cause him trouble

Kathleen: Well, maybe it's something you've forgotten, something stuck away in the back of your mind.
Brad: No, I'm clean as a peeled egg. No debts, no angry husbands, no payouts, nothing.
Kathleen: Well, people don't just go around committing murder and frame-ups for the fun of it.
-The Dark Corner, 1946

by scalibrini August 19, 2007

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peel the onion

The painstaking penetration of an anus without the proper lubrication.

A: Duude, Jane squeeled like a pig last night
B: Whatcha do to her,man. Did ya peel the onion on her?
A: Totally..

by CommunistKiro June 10, 2012

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keep your eyes peeled

Look out for Watch out Look ahead Stay focused focus

Don't forget, keep your eyes peeled for bear tracks out there.

by KaneyKane March 5, 2016