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popcorn place

a place that people do each other, public place.

Man:lets go to the popcorn place.
Woman: Yeah i love it there.

by okie dokies. July 12, 2009

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Popcorn Shits

When you go to the movies and order too much popcorn and when ya get home your stomach starts to queeze and when ya shit, it'll go pop pop pop pop outta your ass

"Ay get the small popcorn this time"
"I ate a large popcorn during the last movie and I took residency on my toilet with the popcorn shits"

by somebodythatyoudontknow July 9, 2022

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Popcorn tooth

Popcorn tooth is something that happens to your teeth when you don’t brush your teeth enough and they then go all yellow and look like toffee popcorn

Gavin: ewww you have popcorn tooth

James: OMG I do shit I better learn to brush my teeth more

Gavin: yeah you dirty skunk

by Ultimate popcorn December 4, 2017

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zesty popcorn

The act of pouring melted butter and cayenne pepper on the yeast-infected parts of a female, then going at it.

I was excited when I found out my girl had a yeast infection. We could finally do the Zesty Popcorn!

by Lobo McManus October 30, 2021

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popcorn thot

Something someone screams at you for no real reason

Kylie is such a popcorn thot

by antisocial.mee November 10, 2019

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popcorn catchers

Cleavage, big breasted women

When you go to the movies with a V-neck shirt on and you drop some popcorn, it always falls into the popcorn catchers

by Gas Girl March 19, 2018

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The popcorn Game

Played between a boy and a girl. The boy will place a piece of popcorn on his tongue and the girl eats the popcorn off. This is a popular game amongst younger people and teenagers in cinemas. Competetively, the rules of the popcorn game are that the person taking the popcorn must be blindfolded or have there eyes closed, the first person to drop a piece, loses.

"We played the popcorn game the utha night at the movies, it was really hot"

by Mr. Kennedy September 14, 2006

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