Source Code


To briefly mention and make reference to a topic that is covered in detail later.

From learncpp.com at the end of lesson 7.12a: "Exception handling is an advanced C++ topic, and we cover it in much detail in chapter 15 of this tutorial." Then at the beginning of lesson 14.1: "we punted on one further topic that we will now cover: exceptions."

by LotusDrop July 18, 2017


When some one punches you in the vagina really hard.
cunt punch= punt

broooo, she punted you hard!

by xxcarpoxx January 11, 2016


A sex act where you put your foot in a woman’s vagina

Man 1: I totally punted marnie last night
Man 2: I can’t find any sex around here might need to make a punting trip to craigslist!

by NotTheBiggestFanOfDodge May 31, 2023


To kick someone like punting in football.

"Hey John, what happened to your face?"

"I was punted"

by Silminator June 26, 2021


Old Wrinkly Man Penis. It's when your testes are being testy and wrinkly.

Analogous to
Old Lady Vagina: Cunt

"When you get old, your penis is gonna be a punt"

by man PEN15 January 24, 2012


Punt (AKA Punk) from a 5 year old; something or someone worthless or unimportant, slang, a young inexperienced youth.

Stoping being a punt!

by UnderCoverMother! January 21, 2018


Taken from the sport of football, punting is a passive-aggressive way of delaying an action or an inevitable result. When someone punts, it's usually because they are faced with an uncomfortable situation where they are afraid to give a clear answer, response, or explanation to avoid judgment, ridicule, or scorn.

"I asked Tony if he wanted to hang out, shoot some pool and get a couple of brews. Instead of telling me directly that he really didn't want to go, he punted, saying he needed to ask his wife first. Tony wanted to avoid the uncomfortable situation of possibly hurting my feelings, so he made his wife the scapegoat, because everyone knows what a selfish, possessive bitch she is."

by not for nothing October 28, 2019