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macy r

The biggest snitch and bitch in history. Never has your back, and turns on her closest friends.

Fuck macy r

by Shalyn H and Meadow R December 9, 2019

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Subreddit for people with mental issues who are too broke to visit a real therapist so they make memes about it.

"Dude, what's your favorite subreddit?"
"Oh nothing it's just r/Me_Irl"
"Dude, get a fucking therapist."

by gman gaming March 9, 2021

15๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


The cringiest place on the internet.

The average r/atheism poster: Real warriors don't use guns or swords, but knowledge and wisdom. This is something that the religitards don't seem to understand. However, when you have the combined intelligence of an infantile ardepithecus ramidus (of which shares a common ancestor with the homo sapien if any religitards who don't understand the human geneology happen to be reading) it all begins to make sense. They're all fucking idiots and I hate them so much for that reason. Everything they stand for is so logically flawed. Their entire belief structure is based on emotion. Imagine being so sad. I grew up christian, but then my dog died of canine aids, and I realized there can't be a god!! because how could something so cruel happen to my little floof? I talked about it to my mom, and she said it's sad but to MOVE ON! And that dogs don't go to heaven! As if my little floofer doesn't have any FEELINGS!! How can someone who calls themselves a christian be so cold hearted? And if someone who believes in a god is bad, that means there are no gods ever. I'm 15 and I hate my mom.

by wugugugug March 5, 2021

135๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Freakin' Ridiculous Fritz and Raul
Duo that has been tearing up the streets of North Alabama since early 2006.

These guys from FRF&R are kind of like the Beatles.

by FritzandRaul September 5, 2013

25๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A subreddit where it's purpouse is to mock people who capitalize r/ as R/.

Reddit post: Insert camo joke
Redditor 1: You can see it, you must be blind.
Redditor 2: R/woooosh
Redditor 3: r/foundthemobileuser

by whenthathomebrewhits November 11, 2019

24๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

r and g

Random element in games.

You can lose simply by R&G (r and g).

by T-Felix February 9, 2016

117๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

R Bombing

Dropping the R Bomb (Racist-Racism).

The denunciation of opponents as "Racists" for the purpose of silencing dissent, winning an election or discussion.

Part of a combined arms offensive which includes the use of "Guilt Strafing" (concocting elaborate tautologies the purpose of which is to remind white people of slavery, taking land from the Native Americans, and being, for the most part, descendants of legal immigrants.).

Used separately, R Bombing is frequently deployed by "community activists" in order to intimidate and de-legitimize opponents. Often used to de-rail discussions in which factual material is trumping emotional appear.
Sharpton and Jackson and the acknowledged "Curtis LeMays" of R Bombing, but groups such as La Raza, Southern Poverty Law Center and NAACP have dedicated "Wings" of R Bombers who are deployed throughout the media during campaign season and for high profile crimes.

Example 1:
Protester: Do not reward criminal behavior! No Amnesty for illegal immigrants!

Counter-protestor: You are Racist! (R bombing) White people stole this land! (Guilt Strafing) You are against latinos coming here for a better life! (R Bombing) This country was build on the backs of immigrants. (Guilt Strafing)

Example 2:

Press spokesman: The two suspects were black males in their early 20's and round 6 feet tall and were last seen...

Community activist: Dat's Racist! Why you got be sayin' they was black? You a Racist!

Example #3:
Protestor: Illegally entering the country and taking advantage of the benefits which apply to citizens is just like breaking into someone house and stealing from them.

Counter protestor: That is Racism! (R bombing)

Protestor: Statistically, Mexicans are over 70% of illegal immigrants.

Counter-protestor: Those numbers are Racist and you are promoting Racism by bringing them up, therefore YOU are a Racist. (an R Bomb Clusterfuck)

racism slagging liberal guilt Obama effect illegal immigration

by Mabuse August 23, 2012

65๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž