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Respect Knuckles

Brass or steel knuckles worn on the hands used to maim and destroy people.

"Some guy tried to rob me last night, so I slipped on my Respect Knuckles and punched a hole through his face."

by Psychopath Killa September 6, 2005

16๐Ÿ‘ 172๐Ÿ‘Ž

woman respecter 2000

A person from the male sex who possesses a level of feminism that surpasses far beyond human capabilities. His mind and soul are full of womanish shit. He is overly feminine to the point of having a fertile and fecund inverse penis(vagina) which is capable of sexual intercourse.

Man 1:*in the act of sexual intercourse* hngh, kyuh, it feels so good baby,but why does it feel like you are a trap
Man 2: *also in the act of sexual intercourse* baby, i hate it to break to you but im a woman respecter 2000
Man 1:*pulls out his dick in terror* oh shit, your mom is gay as fuck to give to birth to you retard

by gay_jew on soy sauce February 27, 2020

the ultimate women respecter

A man who knows exactly what his whimsical white girl desires, usually it's pretty simple, but she can't even do it,
Despite this, the man doesn't wish for any return and is satisfied being used like the toy poodle of boyfriends and occasionally engaging in violent and depressive sex, even after he's comes home from work and listens to his, stupid albeit blonde girl.

"John, really just lets women walk over him, doesn't he"?
"Nah he's pretty much the ultimate women respecter".

by Decan Gray February 19, 2018

Respect is earned not given

Contrary to popular belief, it does not mean that you don't need to give a fuck about people unless they simp for you. instead, it means that you don't need to give complete respect to everyone you meet, but you still need to give some respect and give at least a single shit for the homeless.

Jimmy told me he stands by the phrase 'Respect is earned not given' I instantly dumped him.

by Anon Egg November 22, 2021

with all due respect

In military parlance it means 'no more respect than protocol requires me to show'. Opposite of the term: 'with respect'.

Said to a superior, a means of veiling contempt adequately enough to evade disciplinary action (depending on the words following it.) Applied frequently by top brass toward Congressmen during Senate Committee Hearings.

Said to a subordinate (rarely,) it sarcastically emphasizes how little respect the superior is required to SHOW, and how much less they're required to HAVE for the subordinate.

Commander Knox: Admiral, with all due respect, this is my boat.
Admiral Graham: Not anymore, "with all due respect".

by enkephalin07 November 28, 2015

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

respect your elders

This means to repect those that exhibit and procalim knowledge derived from experience that far supercedes your own. The election of an elder must be in accordance with tribal rules usually stating that the previous elders nominate the new generation and the population have the final say

Respect your elders It is often misused to insinuate that one should respect those older than you.

u wrong wise

by chainsaw0987 February 11, 2009

79๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

respect my fresh

To get everyone's attention to recognize your swagger or the gangsta in you. A comment made for people to see you in fresh new gear.

When I walk up in tha club they gone' respect my fresh!

These girls is diggin' you dawg!

Fa sho, they respect my fresh!

by Lil Drew May 25, 2006

29๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž