When your friend tells you they got you a present, but decided not to tell you what it is before the d-day. Instead of waiting all alone, you also get them a present and let them receive it on the same day, so you both have the expectations for the same amount of time.
Jordan is such an amazing friend, he got me a present two weeks before my birthday, while waiting, I am making him a painting without telling him what it will be, this is my revenge-gift, because revenge gifting is a thing.
The act of sending stinky cheese in the mail to someone you dislike.
My girlfriend broke up with me, so I sent her some cheesy revenge.
Reporting someone after you got into trouble to make yourself seem less bad
“We did not like it when you were mean”
“But Sarah was mean also.”
“Did you just try to Revenge Report?”
Revenge Ghost (by Louie G):
-> A girl/guy you are talking to abruptly stops communicating, “Ghosts" you
-> Then starts texting and calling you out of nowhere
-> You go out on a date with her/him
-> Then abruptly stop communications with her/him, the "Revenge Ghosting"
'dis gurl stopt talkin 2 me like amonthago and now wanna date...I gonna revenge ghost her that I be intrested and stop all sudden'like
generic form of 'revenge of the nerds' to which a film was NOT made with the same title.
revenge of the geeks is to 'revenge of the nerds,' kind of like what 'Mac and me' was to 'E.T.' only without the film...
when you get a tingly feeling of anger inside you that takes you over after someone does something bad to you, can range from telling to a full blow single-punch knockout
Dan: Dude, Jesse spat on me the other day so i knocked him out to teach him not to mess with a pissed man
Jake: Wow, how long was he out for?
Dan: 'bout 8 hours
Jake: Pissed Revenge if you ask me
Dan: now Jesse is afraid of me
When you gain clout to throw it in someones face who did something to you
Caleb Flin said anyone who used his name in a TikTok is a cloud chaser, so I am going to revenge clout him.