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Like So

"Like So" is another way to say (like this). sometimes, it means (as you see).

1- You can merge these two photos to make one photo like so.

2- You can use these materials and this kind of glue to make this shape like so.

by Khalid Awadh April 4, 2011

38๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

So cash

Somethin' that is just all around pretty awesome.

Joe: Dude, I just found this Rolex watch in a public toilet.
Me: Dude, shit is SO cash.

by Monosyllabic December 7, 2008

234๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

so long

the way to say goodbye..

Woody Grant: So long, Albert.
Uncle Albert: So long, Woody.


by St.Asik March 8, 2014

118๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

So Ill

Short for Southern Illinois or the region of the state that residents sometime refer to as Little Eygpt. It is a play on So Cal (Southern California) or NoKY (Northern Kentucky) but is particularly amusing for those from Little Eygpt, or So Ill, as, in urban dictionary terms, there is littl 'Ill' about Southern Illinois

Pete: Where you at?
Joe: So Ill.
Pete: Cool. Can you pick me up some catfish?
Joe: Sure thing.
Pete: Cool

by R.H.Yednock September 6, 2006

31๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

That's so Bieber

When you think something is very lame or uncool.

Abel: What are you doing this weekend?

Clayton: I might be going to the Home and Garden show by myself.

Abel: Bro, that's so Bieber...

by Bieb Fiev August 16, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

so booty

ridiculous or inane forum thread, post or remark.

This thread is so booty!
Your post is so booty!
I think your remark was so booty!

by Mike Parkhill December 1, 2006

110๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

So camp

Something awesome that has a lot of yasss and slay

That outfit is so camp

by Socampcreator October 11, 2021

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