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Very based person from discord(fr)

Sam is very based alongside whim

by Definitly_not_sam December 22, 2022


The type of person a nigga will simp for for a straight year

Man that nigga has been dumping for sam for months MONTHS

by Fuck bbiiiiiiii July 21, 2020


Name given to people who know little to no things about computers.

- Julia : Come on Peter, you know how to use the keyboard, don't do your sam.

by urban_guy_345 August 9, 2018


That Coward on Discord

"Sam is a Coward"

by Not Leg Man The Third August 7, 2020


Sam is the nicest person ever. He will always be there for you and he always has your back. He is honestly the BESTEST person in the world

"Sam is the best"
"I'm so lucky to have him in my life"

by Smart kid fan October 10, 2019


A hot guy who can sing and is very kind.

I wish Sam was mine...

by Vfbnh tfcsxecfinkjnhvfce December 7, 2019


sucks at everything including baseball

sam u suck at baseball

by kkjzsnjsdf February 21, 2019