Source Code


Silence is yes because the person is just to shy to reply (Just pretend they said yes)

Bob is silent, he is just too shy to reply yes
"Silence means yes" - Bob, 2021

by builderthebob April 25, 2021


When all noises stop. When all you hear is nothing. Nothing. Silence means no noise. No sound. Not even breathing. Not even noises that humans are unable to hear.

People will say that they enjoy 'silence', but they really mean 'quiet'. Quiet is calming, tranquil. SILENCE is TORTURE. Silence is death. Silence is nothing. Silence is... the end.
We will never achieve silence. Unless existence... all of existence... everything that exists... perishes. When everything ends, we will truly achieve silence.

Me: Wouldn't it be cool if there was a giant remote that controlled all of the happenings of the world so that someone could just press the mute button and silence the world so that nothing could be heard by any of the creature of the world, not even with hearing aids and even some friendly giant with big ears wouldn't be able to hear anything?

The Creature:...Yes?

by JamYourEyes December 25, 2023


You probably know the si unit of sound (decibel) but what is the si unit of silence? Pat Cummins.

Ask Pajeets for more info.


Pajeets, The Gobar Putras, The Jaanwar Bhakts, The Gaw maata worshippers, The Cow Dung eaters.

by HUMAYUN. December 10, 2024

post pre-gaming silence

The silence that follows the obnoxious racket of your pre gaming hallmates once they've left to go out.

Jen: It's a Friday night...and our halls are quiet?
Becca: Well, it is already 10PM...everyone must have left to go out already.
Jen: This must be the post pre-gaming silence...

by Beybehs Protector September 6, 2010

Fadio silence

When your super drunk friend doesn’t respond to your texts but is active in social media

Hey man what’s up? (No response, but comments on post at the same time)

Fadio silence

by Mmach August 5, 2018

silence your phone makenzie

Silence your phone

Silence your phone makenzie

by Kayyyllllllllll October 4, 2023

Awkward Silence

an awesome bop by the even more awesome bois stray kids ! a chilly ubeat song that makes you feel like "wow! i for sure felt that !" thank you living legend christopher bang

me: have you ever heard Awkward Silence?
susan: wdym? i was in plenty ones haha, there was one time when-
me: no you don't get it susan. you never do

by bug01 September 2, 2018