Source Code

sound circuit

L'sers who m'bate too much and love rap although they're NOT hip hop, for the most part.

Illegit is a good example of such a person at sound circuit.

by swisher_killer August 7, 2003

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brown sound

The most wet, dirty, polluted, and disgusting sound wave ever emitted from the anal cavity. Usually accompanied by mild excretion and typical repulsiveness.

Wow Andy, your car muffler makes a brown sound.

by James W. December 21, 2005

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That sounds logical.

WC3 and Dota-Allstars, lich's primary catch phrase and is a minor meme amongst WC3 and dota players.

post 1: omg y so imba chainfrost it 1 click kill all!!11

post 2: hmm.... that sounds logical.

by mudkipz are anons too July 8, 2009

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Sound Diffusion

Shitist Module run at Kingston university

Many say it equals a massive headache and it is not worth the time and effort for its pass grade.

Sound Diffusion is Gash!

by Paul Archbold May 16, 2010

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Yorkshire Sound

An upcoming sect of metalcore and hardcore music originating from England pioneered by bands such as Architects, Bring me the Horizon and While She Sleeps. These bands employ a more raspy tone to their music and often voice various issues relating to the disillusioned British youth population. A number of these bands have become prominent on the worldwide scene.

What are some good Yorkshire sound bands?" "Anything unless Oli Sykes is involved

by facebatter August 9, 2011

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sound blind

when you still hear shit and you know what is making the sound but you here another version of the sound other than the generic commonly used versions.

*puuut, puuut* (instead of choo choo)
"Is that a train that I hear? Puuut, puut!"

"Dude, are you fucking sound blind? It's choo, choo!"

by Narcissism January 18, 2019

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Sound bytee

Voice file attached to internet dating profiles

"Hi There. I'm Ali. Drop me a line and you might hear back."

by Alicat March 21, 2005

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