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Seat belt supreme

During anal sex in the back seat of a car, one quickly replaces the penetrating penis with a seat belt.

1. "Dude, last night on the way home in the car, you didnt even know it, but I gave your girl a mean Seat belt supreme in the back seat."

by jorge12345 June 18, 2011

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Double blumpkin supreme

Receiving oral gratification from a defecating woman while performing an upper deck.

We both had to crap, and she was feeling nasty, so we pulled a double blumpkin supreme

by D-Bone February 24, 2005

31πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

fuck tart supreme

When someone is just beyond a fucking idiot, they are a fuck tart supreme. Fuck, for how fucking retarded you are. Tart is just there. And supreme, for how supremely stupid you are.

Wow.... that is the dumbest thing you've ever said in your life. Good job fuck tart supreme.

by bitch basket fagola January 14, 2010

24πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Supreme Gunk Dunk

When you and your boys beating the meat and all your man milk shoots straight into another guy's throat from 4 feet away.

"Bro last night I tried out the Supreme Gunk Dunk and no joke that shit got everywhere."

by Supreme Gunk Dunker 99 March 31, 2017

Luke Heggie Supreme

In the middle of having sex with a girl you grab her leg and break it and then pull out and finish on the girls broken leg

Matthew: Hey Jake did you here about what happened to molly?
Jake: No what happened?
Matthew: Luke gave her a Luke Heggie Supreme so now she’s gonna be on crutches for the next week

by WhoTFisPdenny July 15, 2020

The Supreme TM Court

The highest judicial court of fashion. Justices decide wheter it's fad or failure.

I've got one last chance to prove mankinis are smexy to the Supreme TM Court.

by Nguyen the knowledgeable. January 20, 2018

crunch wrap supreme

Ejaculating in your wife, girl friend or bar whores under wear, folding them up, and placing them neatly back into her pantie drawer for a mid-week surprise.

Bro!, that hottie from the bar last night was a freak! I totally left her a crunch wrap supreme! She's gonna hate me by Wednesday!

by Rusty Gaggle-Butt June 25, 2010

36πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž