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group nigga

A nigga that's in multiple Facebook groups trying to fuck any and every bitch he comes across.

He sholl be fucking all the bitches. He must be a group nigga.

by Petty Krueger November 14, 2016

tetherball group

A group of quirky, smart, kind, funny friends who adore each other and are loyal to each other first and formost.

*The tetherball group strutted through the playground, laughing and being their wacky selves. They didnt give a damn about what anybody thought. They were having fun and that was all that mattered.*

by Shmammy&Co. April 18, 2021

roblox group

A roblox group is like in other online games a clan where other people can meet each other in-game or play with each other games (like hosting events). In roblox you can create a group for 100 Robux and then you can give it a name and make a description. You can also create ranks there but each new rank costs 25 robux. Don't worry, you will start with 3 ranks that you can rename.

At Roblox Group Recruiting Plaza:

Recruiter: Hey! Do you want to join my group?

Group Finder: Sure, what's the name of it?

Recruiter: The group name is ..........

Group Finder: Alright! I will join it.

by HazmatChiefAlsimi May 1, 2018

Group boyfriend

The group boyfriend is the guy in the friend group who fills the role of the “boyfriend” to all the girls in the group. He will hold purses when the group goes out, help get all the girls home safe, help with things around the house, etc. Pretty much does everything a boyfriend would without anything being romantic to the whole friend group.

Sarah: I really need help with building that shelf this weekend.
Jane: Just ask Cody, he is basically the group boyfriend after all.

Grace: I love how Logan buys most of our drinks when we go out, he is the best group boyfriend!

by Simpleflower11 April 1, 2022

In-group Favoritism

When a member of your tribe/church/cult says/does something stupid, and you choose not to call them out for it.

Synonyms: God's Love

Jimmy was concerned about Timmy's use of broadly inclusive language to slander those of brown persuasion, His In-group favoritism prevented him from pointing it out, because he understood the context.

by senor~ mik April 3, 2016

In-Group Bullying

A phenomenon in which a friend group gangs up on one or more members of the group. Often times when this happens, there will be a ringleader in the group initiating the groupthink interactions toward the victim(s).

There are a few reasons why victims of in-group bullying struggle to stand up for themselves more than victims of out-group bullying:

1. Victims will usually not stand up for themselves against the group members who are mistreating them because they are outnumbered.

2. Victims of this type of bullying may not stand up for themselves is because they fear they will be ousted or rejected in some way from the friend group.

3. Victims of this type of bullying will also not stand up for themselves because they may consider the perpetrators friends and therefore interpret the groupthink behavior toward them as joking.

He unfriended those people due to In-Group Bullying.

by Stepman May 22, 2020

Rollover the group

This refers to the kicking of the music eg. the first bucket of beers bought.. or shots bought ..

Ashton attempted to rollover the group with a standard tequila balunceé whiles in the space

by Town242 May 6, 2021