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Curly headed fuck

Dale doesn't like when you touch his drum set

by Dragon27vatoloco December 10, 2023


The ultimate heckin' boof. Kind, loyal, funny, and magnetic. But they do not know it. Dales are naturally shy and therefore sometimes unaware of the power they possess. If you meet a Dale, cherish them, for they are the best part of human kind. Also nice butt.

Channel your inner Dale.

by booferinosupremo November 20, 2021


Square. You can measure it by using the formula b x l. Also really good for measuring 90 degree angles and it’s a perfect template.

“ yo man I need help with my geometry homework, it’s on the area of a square can you help me?” “ Sure! I’ll bring my dale for an example

by Theyragingbull October 25, 2017


What I call homo-sapiens who have abscesses.

Person 1: Do you have an abscess?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Good...you are a dale

by LeSouffleDeVersailles January 17, 2025


One of the guys in Step Brothers.

Unedited Step brothers

Dale-What if she grabs me by the wiener, catches me off guard, and says I've had the old bull, now I want the young calf.

Dale's Father-Shut the fuck up!

by Solid Mantis August 21, 2019


A polish male AKA polish Cracker

That man’s hair is all grey, he must be a dale

by Favorite Nephew June 22, 2021


A polish white person AKA Polish Cracker

That person’s hair looks all grey, He must be a Dale

by Favorite Nephew June 22, 2021