Pedro is really one of a kind. He’s amazing at everything and is a lovely person. He’s often seen playing video games and showing his knives, however he can also be seen in the woods a lot and he loves training. He’s unlike anyone anyone will ever meet and he’s so sweet and funny. He also has a crazy girlfriend that loves him with all her heart and soul.
“What’s Pedro Alexandre Nunes Costa doing?”
“He’s playing warzone.”
“Really, I’m surprised he’s not training”
“I’m surprised he’s not on a call with his girlfriend”
a dude who is incredibily racist and gay but is still in the closet (if you know what i mean). Masturbates everynight to a picture of his dad who left him. He's an asshole, AND HE LOVES BIG NOSES!!
Person: Damn you r acting like a Pedro Lagarto
Person 2: DAMN
The term used to describe a dirty mexican moustache
Person 1: Dude! Look at that guys moustache.
Person 2: Yeah, talk about a pedro mo
Rapper from Luanda , Angola. Made songs such as "Vibe", "Fakes", "Workin" , "Confiar", and "Golden God"
Pedro Fernando is a Biblical name of masculine gender.
The name Pedro Fernando is composed by two common names: Pedro (Biblical of masculine gender) and Fernando (Germanic of masculine sort). The origin of the name Pedro Fernando is Aramaic . It means firm rock or rock. He was responsible for the beginning of the Christian church. It indicates a simple person who seeks mental and spiritual fulfillment. He stands out for the discipline and determination by which he fights for his ideals. But his goal is for humanity as a whole. It tends to focus attention and give more importance to professional issues than to love or friendship.
The sexiest man alive. He pulls every woman. Without fail. Everyone loves him. He is strong and muscular. His best friend usually has the name of "Jasper". They are usually Mexican and live in Indiana. There other friends name are usually "Elliot" "Vincent".
Pedro Salazar is fine as fuck. I want him as my husband. His cute ass.
To abandon your friends after promising them you'll be somewhere
Also can be used if your friend leaves the lads earlier than expected in order to chin you all off for a 6/10.
*thinking that your mate will let you down by not turning up at the pub after turning all coms off to hang out with a six out of ten instead (in reality a five like Chinderella)
Andy: This stinks of a Pedroing
Godders: Agreed
*After being let down again by your mate:
Robbie: We've definitely been royally Pedro'd here.
Pedro is cooler defines the person 'Pedro' who has a huge amount of swag. He is much cooler than the average person and often denies it as he is humble. If you happen to meet a Pedro is cooler guy you should keep him forever as they're a rare breed.
"Look I'm not cooler than you ok?"
"Yes you are! Pedro is cooler!!"