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That weiner smells funny

That weiner smells funny, l wonder where it has been? This is the quest to see if something nasty happened to that food!

That weiner smells funny!!

by I, Wreckerrr November 17, 2020

Harvesting Her Smells

The process of indulging in a females body odors as you ravage her sexually. Lets face it, a female is a collection of smells, some or all of which can at times be rather malodorous. Such areas of point are, but not limited to: the feet, butt, pussy, pits, breath, etc.. Some may find these smells repugnant, while others may find a woman's foul smelling stench(s) a genuine source of excitement. Whether the female package is a beautiful specimine or a filthy, fat disgusting pig, most seem to possess a sense of entitlement and that to ingest in said smells will cost you time and money, sooner or later. Some less fortunate individuals may resort to secondary sources of gratification, such as snorting a chair or bicycle seat. Whatever your means, your end result is the same, your time, effort and funds all go towards, amoung other things, the smells a female possesses.

I met this woman I intend to pursue. I'm looking forward to getting beyond the preliminaries and harvesting her smells.

by Big Ed Moustapha February 11, 2010

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ripe booty smells

Body odor from lack of bathing yielding a fermentation smell.

At the tent camp there were several people with ripe booty smells.

by I, Wreckerrr December 12, 2016

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I smell cheese

Can be said when you sense a cheesy and predictable conversation, scene, or event that is about to happen.

Or can be said when one smells some pressed milk curds.

Girl: I love you.

Guy: I love you too.

Random bystander: I smell cheese..

by MoR.PH June 11, 2011

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It smell like popcorn

You are very proud of your fart, you are an altruist person , so you want share the odor with your friends and permit them to take a deep breath.

- Hey mate, it smell like popcorn, innit ?
- Damn bro, you farted ?

by Douglasthecompass April 12, 2019

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Yall smell popcorn?

When you fart and prank someone into smelling it by asking "Yall smell popcorn?"

When Sora busted a mean fart he looked around and asked his friends "Yall smell popcorn?"

by UnicornGrinder October 13, 2018

I smell cap

I sense a lie

1. Danny said he fucked ms.Richards
2. I smell cap Danny would never fuck a female he’s gay

by B1th November 20, 2019

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