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give them the business

From “Leave It To Beaver”, this expression basically means pulling someone’s chain with deliberately provocative banter.

“Oh, you shouldn’t let that jerk Eddie Haskell get to you. He was just trying to give them the business. “

by Preston Sturges October 5, 2020

One of them ones

Somebody you meet that’s not like anybody else you’ve met or when you feel like someone is for you

I met this dude and he definitely one of them ones!

by Meishea Milli October 29, 2020

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Trim them horns

When someone is so horny that you have to tell them to take it down a notch. Effective way to tell some one to back off

Guy: you know I would do you so right~
Girl: Boi, trim them horns you're not doing sh*t

by Cease your faggotry June 3, 2017

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Greg them man

The act of dropping all the bullshit and taking care of business.

All you need to do is go over there and greg them man.

by GDaMaN813 July 16, 2010

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stirrin them guts

euphemism for having sex

When Sam finally got home from Korea he spent the first week "stirrin them guts"!

by tdale51 November 21, 2009

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Let them know

"Let them know oh baby let them know

Coz they can run there mouth but imma
Stand and pose for you"|mabel

Mabel's lyrics from song let them know

by Onedirectionhsltnhzmlp1D April 14, 2022

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getting them cookies

A predetermined act of sex while one is usually "turnt up" or "on one".

Dude-Hey bro, ima getting them cookies tonight.
Bro-No way dude, I've been tryin to get them cookies all year!

Dude-Yea, Jenny's super "turnt up" tonight!

by KayJayR December 5, 2013

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