a veco girl is an annoying bitch and their vocabulary onpy consists of “and i oop sksksk” and “save the turtles”
vsco girl: and i oop sksksks i dropped my hydroflask
me: go away
A girl that can be seen with scrunchies and seashell necklaces on. They are also seen with a hydroflask at hand as well as a metal straw at all times. Witnesses have also reported them saying "Anna oop sksksksk" at multiple occasions.
Omg, have you seen her lately? I think she's turning into a VSCO girl
The most annoing thing on the planet vsco girls are like "sksksk and i oop sksks AND I OOP I DROPPED MY HYDRO FLASK SKSKSK SAVE THE TURLES HAVE YOU GOT YOUR HYDRO FLASK YET!? DO YOU MAKE YOUR BFF BRACELETS OUT OF SHELLS SKSKSKSK HERE HAVE A SCRUNCHIE I GOT THOUSANDS! DONT USE A PLASTIC STARW USE A METAL ONE OR YOU'LL KILL THE TURLES" See how annoying that is since they're like that *uses plastic straw* sucked in vsco hoe!
Vsco girls are the tik tok trend of 2019, but hears my definition of a "vsco girl".
Vsco girls always have their; hydro flask, scrunchies, checkered vans or crocs. They wear a messy bun with a oversized t-shirt/hoodie with shorts, or a tube top and jean shorts/jeans.
Their attitude can be increadibly snoby and rude. They constintly say: and i oop or SKSKSKSKSK also save the turtels
Me: *talking with friends*
Vsco girl: Heyy sksksksk
Me: here we go again
Vsco girl: look at my scrunchies i have like so many...oh you dont have one take some of mine i have thousands.
Vsco girl: sksksk, have a metal straw to...because save the turtels..haha and i oop
Originated from an application called VSCO, VSCO girls are annoying ass 13 year olds who think they're trendy and cool by having a hydroflask, scrunchies, vans, hairclips and by incessantly saying "sksksksksks", "and I oop-" and "save the turtles". Take note that a VSCO girl will not assume being a VSCO girl but more a skatergirl or an e-girl. I personally recommend to NOT approach a VSCO girl if you see one if you want your braincells to stay intact.
"Omg I'm such a VSCO girl sksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksks and I oop- sksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksks save the turtles sksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksks"
Basic annoying bitches that are in love with the term "and I oop- I dropped my hydroflask sksksksksk"
Girl 1: and I oop-I dropped my hydroflask sksksksksk
Girl 2: I swear if you say that again I will destroy your beloved hydroflask
Girl 1: I can't stop it's the VSCO girl in me
*say sksksksksksksksks and I oop
*hydro flosk
*air pods
*checkered vans
* oversized t-shirt
vsco girls be like"sksksksksksk and I oop