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Washington State

Where I live. It's not that bad and the weather can be really sucky and rainy, or really hot and dry. There's a bunch of drugheads in my area, I don't mind. Some times it can be really boring, but that's just cause my town is so small and I sit around doing nothing all day.

Washington is, um yeah, it's alright...

by Highly Evolved March 29, 2005

96πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž

Washington DC

A complete shithole. Everyone loves DC except for people who live there. Random literally get shot in the middle of streets in broad daylight. People are also very racist and have an extreme hatred for Asians.

How to die
Step 1: Be Asian
Step 2: Be gay
Step 3: Go to Washington DC
Some gangsta in a doo-rag will shoot you

by StormBread November 22, 2021

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Washington Monumenting

Having 1 strap-on on backwards (2 if you’re a girl) and fucking two people at once, one behind your and one in front.

So I was Washington Monumenting these two broads and one of them turned around with a strap-on of her own!

by PandaSex July 31, 2019

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

washington heights

upper manhattan by map it starts in 149st or 150st all the way to 200st its mostly populated by dominicans and during the late 70's tru early 90's it was called crack city couse 90% of the crack in nyc passed or was from washington heights!though in recent years the crime rate has lowerd dramatically and i mean dramatically local gangs still flourish tru its streets like 3rd mob which is no more d.d.p,trinitario,bloods,a few ckrips,my fav latin kings,the smallest but deadliest 1st mob!

oye muchacho y to esa paka q tu tiene!nada mas en washington heights oh oh klk(yo son was ggod wit all dat guap "money" dat u got!only in washington heights oh oh was good!

homie im from da heightz wer we get it poppin and dat haze is light up more than bill gates has hundreds!

by D@Z3 September 15, 2006

29πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

George Washington

A dry handjob. So named because it is worth exactly one dollar.

I was hoping to score with Amber last night, but all I ended up getting was a lousy George Washington.

by JLJ August 29, 2005

57πŸ‘ 121πŸ‘Ž

Washington D.C

Just like another city, but with more history and a little less crime.

Parent: It's Saturday! Time to take the kids down to Washington D.C to see the Cherry Blossom Festival!

by Twelletuibs May 28, 2012

18πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Washington Wizards

former Baltimore/Washington Bullets; won an NBA championship in the '70s; haven't made the playoffs since '96; used to have Jordan, but sucked cause he was a 1-man team

The Wizards blow

by 0000 October 21, 2003

18πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž