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He is a guy of pale skin and usually on the taller side , he can have many good features and personality traits , but watch out . Thomas is a player he will try and get girls for one thing and that is to satisfy him in many different ways, although he seems like a good guy in the beginning if u can satsfiy his 7 in penis he will crush ur heart and make u feel like total shit , even though you did nothing wrong. Thomas is demanding , and unable to take care of himself.

"Thomas asked my parents if he could propose , but he then told me he found some one else a day later " "that Thomas is a cheater"

by the_one_that_got_away May 27, 2015

5πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A tall, muscular, funny teenage boy who longs to fit in with the crowd. He obtains friends with his sense of humor, good personality, and exaggerated looks (ie, full lips, long hair, big eyes, etc.) He will give whatever it takes to make friends, because deep down, he is insecure about his small penis, usually ranging from 3-5 inches.

Nick: He is so funny. I don't see how anyone wouldn't like him. But he does have a really small dick.

Adam: Yeah, he's such a Thomas.

by froggy95 April 22, 2010

27πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž


An insane human being who deserves nothing and no one in his life.He has very little to no friends at all. Everyone ignores/hates him because his anoyying ass never listens to people. He never follows instructions and always thinks of himself as a better person than everyone else.

Eww it's thomas, Run.

by YellowMagic1234 October 1, 2019

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A Thomas is someone who’s birthday isn’t commonly known.

Friend1: Hey when is thomas’s Birthday
Friend2: i have no fucking clue!

by C’sDickkk October 10, 2018

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Thomas is a Smart, Loyal Flirtatious and Loving person. He will put a smile on anybody's face. If you get a boyfriend like him don't you ever let him go he's a keeper. He loves his girlfriend with all his heart and will put anybody aside for you. And not to mention he is a great Best friend as much as he is a boyfriend. Just believe me when i say he's very nice.


by Shelly Marshell November 21, 2019

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the coolest and hottest of 3 brothers, definitely the middle child. has a great dick and even greater personality. 10/10 wild husband material. will visit alaska with you

That guy over there, a total Thomas

by cxmic August 3, 2018

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Tiny body, long legs

remy wants to devour thomas

by Dongle McIrish April 29, 2019

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