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woke and toke

using the past tense of wake and bake

to wake up and toke a big up fatty :) blunt

by ALYSSA D. March 27, 2007

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Woke as fuck

Knowing what the fucks up and not getting bogged down by what you're told to think by public interest groups and mainstream media.

>central banks
>oil wars
>media propaganda
>online censorship
>big pharma
>9/11 being an inside job
>child sex trafficking

I was reading about fractional reserve banking and it turns out were actually debt slaves.

"Dude ,you're woke as fuck"

by Rustee Ventura August 16, 2017

50๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Woke Choked

When a girl eats Sea Moss of your Wanker.

Man I met this chick at Yoga today. She Wanted to read my Tarot cards then get WOKE CHOKED

by BrodyMus3 October 28, 2020

Woke terrorism

When your woke agenda is terrorism.

Hey Jenny, quit it with your woke terrorism!

by jillbidenswife June 22, 2021

woke casting

Casting a character for attempted inclusivity or whitewashing, only for it to look out of place to the story.

That one guy in that place and time in the story was obvious woke casting.

by zaroneon January 22, 2021

woke limit

A woke limit is when it dawns on you that others self-classifying as woke hold positions beyond the scope of logic, reason, balance, fairness and objectivity. Those reaching their woke limit are often torn between expressing disagreement and remaining silent for fear of retribution. Reaching the woke limit renders one in danger of losing friends, family, and even a job; it can lead to being harassed verbally, on social media, or even physically, simply because one doesn't agree chapter and verse with the applicable woke philosophy du jour.

I was scrolling through social media and realized I'd reached my woke limit when I saw Becky, a wealthy, white corporate executive, posting that she would walk naked through the streets with Fuck 12 written on her navel.

by The Reasonable Man July 7, 2020

Woke Geometry

When math authors or publishers deliberately or inadvertently use religious, satanic, or New Age symbols, icons, or logos, made up of geometric shapes, in their books to bewitch schoolchildren into the occultic or demonic world.

A grade two Chinese title was being recalled because it arguably contains a โ€œwoke geometryโ€ itemโ€”the publisher has since apologized to its readers for depicting a bloody-looking pentagram, whereby kids are required to identify all geometric shapes that make up the โ€œsatanic symbol.โ€

by Fasters May 1, 2022

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