If you're a fan of the Impossible Quiz by Splapp-Me-Do, then you'll know this already...
Question 9 in Demo: "how much would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"
Possible Answers: Quite a lot, Eleven, 74%, 20km
Actual Answer: Eleven!
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Truly disgusting, that some "people" would do this horrible thing.
Truly disgusting, that some "people" would do this horrible thing.
2π 4π
A phrase which is used to emphasise how much the speaker wishes not to do or take part in some activity, used as a response to a suggestion or request.
Comedic value is gained from the over emphasis of how much the person would not like to do said activity.
May have origins in a quote from the popular computer game "The Curse of Monkey Island" released on Windows 9x
Murray: You may call me βMurrayβ! I am a powerful demonic force! I am the harbinger of your doom! And the forces of darkness will applaud me as I stride through the Gates of Hell β carrying your head on a pike!
I would rather walk briskly through the gates of hell than attend a Justin Bieber concert.
The catch phrase used by every single villain in a Scooby Doo episode.
Some Scooby Doo cast member pulls off the mask of the monster and some random person that appeared in the episode's face is revealed. He then shouts, "And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids"
739π 165π
You had to be pretty bored to look this one up.
A woodchuck would chuck so much wood he wouldn't know how much wood he chucked.
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The catchphrase that the villians of the television show "Scooby Doo" would utter after being apprehended and unmasked.
"That's right, it was I who committed the quadruple homicide and armed robbery. And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!"
380π 126π
a wood chuck would chuck no chuck norris, even if a wood chuck could chuck norris.
Instead of "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck norris?"
How about How much wood would a chuck norris chuck if a chuck norris would chuck wood?
Think about that.
124π 46π