Yum- A slang term used to quickly tell someone they just either said- or did, some dumb shit. Commonly Used as an unstoppable counter to every argument. Created by Luh Bros
“Lebron is the goat”- “Yum”
(When your homie acting out in front of females) - Yo you get a yum
1:being mean without being mean
2:being sarcastic about a topic
3:when a situation is awkward
1:she's so yum!
2:that movie was so yum!
3:this is so yum!
Definition of someone delicious sexually
Person 1: yo Kayla is so yum last night
Person 2: did y’all fuck last night
Sabrina is the definition of this word. It also belongs to her.
Sabrina is yum and/or That is so Sabrina (Yum).
Describing a gross task in a sarcastic way.
Person 1: huh gotta clean up my dogs poop.
Person 2:Yum😂
A way to describe someone when they look good
Alice: Oh my word look at that shirtless guy!
Amelia: Yum