steadygeeked always fly i ❤️ 🔥 weed and bad bittys always 10 steps ahead i fein for my ex draco geo rivera imma ⭐️ n a genie u might get blessed if u come across me smoking 2 blunts i ❤️ 🔥 gucci mane & bun b i cuss out foreign bitches 4/20 i ❤️ 🔥 car meets they so 😊 i ❤️ 🔥 thugs that gangsta in public & a sweetheart in private i keep everything 3hunna no amo thotties like sosa said foo 😮 SM☆KING BIG W☆☆DS 4/20 ❤️ 🔥 goth bittys who slit they wrist then lean come shootin out 😮 2 high 2 cheat my soul smell like weed i ❤️ 🔥 hood foo’s
I miss u
I miss
I mi
I'm get
I'm getting
I'm getting high af
random foo: “you smoke 2 much yung fly foo”
yung fly foo: “you bitch 2 much”
steadygeeked always fly i ❤️ 🔥 weed and bad bittys always 10 steps ahead i fein for my ex draco geo rivera imma ⭐️ n a genie u might get blessed if u come across me smoking 2 blunts i ❤️ 🔥 gucci mane & bun b i cuss out foreign bitches 4/20 i ❤️ 🔥 car meets they so 😊 i ❤️ 🔥 thugs that gangsta in public & a sweetheart in private i keep everything 3hunna no amo thotties like sosa said foo 😮 SM☆KING BIG W☆☆DS 4/20 ❤️ 🔥 goth bitches who slit they wrist then lean come shootin out 😮 2 high 2 cheat my soul smell like weed i ❤️ 🔥 hood foo’s i ❤️ 🔥 bad bittys who know they the shit 1000
I miss u
I miss
I mi
I'm get
I'm getting
I'm getting high af
random foo: “you smoke 2 much yung fly foo”
yung fly foo: “you bitch 2 much”
A super sus kid but can still pull your girl with a whisper. His no complys hella stee.
Kid 1: woah do you see that kid chopping at your girl?
Kid 2: Yeah, but hes clearly a Yung Feg better not mess with him
Kid 1: I wouldnt
A trash emo rapper that’s part of 🖤$uicidal teens🖤
That’s Yung Penn right there
say the words to show your status, or to say while youve accomplished something
tyrone: i cant believe you won that man
aaron: im a yung gunner b
Yung artist doesn’t have a definitive style but flows with anything tha comes his way like the ocean
Bros just flowing like Yung G.O.B.
The best rapper in the world, after Lil Darkie. He makes music so good that it makes your ears bleed.
That new yung erdem song is sick.