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gary player

A Gary Player is a word commonly associated with all-day drinking sessions. Often a Gary Player can sneak up on you when you only plan to have one pint of San Miguel following your breakfast.

Having consumed 5 beers we all agreed that we were now having a Gary Player.

by Le.o Sayer August 9, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Generally A person who indulges in Roleplaying games (RPG's)that involve two or more people. popularized by the infamous Dungeons and dragons games. With the advance of computer technology, Roleplaying games and their creation is becoming something of a lost art, and therefore Role-players in the orginal sense of the word are becoming harder and harder to find.

That guy runs two games, and plays in two others.. he's quite a role-player.

by Jason February 4, 2004

53๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fortnite Player

Someone who tends to play Fortnite, all the time. These people tend to also criticize any game that is any way, shape or form like the game, Fortnite. (EX: PUBG, Rules of Survival.)

Boy: Hey, do you want to play Fortnite?
Girl: You are such a Fortnite Player.

Boy: This game is the same as Fortnite!
Girl: This game came first..

by ADSBDHIWQER9EEQ March 14, 2018

85๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Casual player

A person, often when referring to gamers or any other target, that isn't really into it and only does this activity on an infrequent basis while being terrible at it. Can be described as weak sauce or non mlgpro.

Zac: "dude, I hate all those people who play farmville on facebook, they probably haven't ever picked up a controller in their lives"

Mike: "yea, they're a bunch of casual players"

by I love Brazzers September 15, 2013

22๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pistol Player

(n.) A person who points a gun at another person, but won't pull the trigger because they don't have the heart to do it.

Person 1: Look out! That guy's got a gun!

Person 2: I know that guy. He's not gonna shoot anybody. He's nothing but a pistol player.

by RedDragon1985 December 24, 2010

fashion player

typicaly used to describe sum1 who will spend ridiculous amounts of money on items of clothing because of the name/logo on said item

note: this term is often used by townies/rude tings to kiss each other's asses

person A: Dude! i just bought these NIKE SHOCKS!!!!!
person B: Thats well good! How much?
person A: ยฃ120 brother!!!!
person B: COOL!!!!!!

by head of the commity for the liberation of society from rudeness May 1, 2004

xbox player

People who like to get their ballsacks tickled by their friends during movies and masturbate naked to shirtless pictures of chris evans

bro what console do u play on?
xbox bro, im a xbox player
damn u like getting your nuts sucked and flicking the bean to chris evans shirtless, bro?
yeah bro for life. am kinky

by pplschamp September 16, 2023

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