You love him so much. His eyes, his hair, everything about him is perfect... Besides his hatrid of you... He only hates you because you like him... Most people say his annoying, and his jokes are bad, but you think he’s just plain old cute. You wish he’d feel the same way but you know he never will...
Girl 1: What’s wrong?
Girl 2: Preston just talked behind my back again...
Girl 2: It’s too hard to, he’s too cute to not like...
A Preston is the type of person who can’t seem to get their ding-a-ling bricked up, even with the hottest of girls. This guy usually comes in last place at most anything he does and loves to drink their own pee. Preston’s are their own breed of weird people.
Wow, I can’t believe that guy was so weird, the way he drank that pee was so Preston.
the cutest guy you'll ever meet with blonde hair and good at soccer
Sexy as fuck you should eat his ass like blue cheese
meaning in small portions at a time like preston