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17 July

If you are born on the 17 July you are elite, you should be very proud if you were born on this day.

β€œOh your born on the 17 July? Wow here’s your crown!”

by Wowsa mcwow September 15, 2021

21πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

1st July

National summer day!!

This day is the prettiest day of the year so make sure to appreciate its beauty since it only come once a year!

Today's 1st July it's the prettiest day of the year

by neji's harlequin October 16, 2019

37πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž



Having more characteristics of, or pertaining more closely to, July. Superlative form of July-y.

"And here comes whackadoo film director Oliver Stone. Oliver's here promoting his new movie, Born on the Fourth of July II: Born on the Fifth of July, which he promises will be even "July-ier" than the original. A dangerously insane human being."

by s3pt0pu5 September 26, 2009

60πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

July 4

People who are born on this day are amazing in every way, they are always right too. They are the funniest, kindest, prettiest, most amazing people to exist

Person 1: oh wow their so pretty
Everyone to have more than 5 braincells: Yeah thats because they're born on july 4th

by IWasNotBornOnJuly4 January 3, 2021

64πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Christmas in July

A moronic marketing gimmick that retailers like to use.

I'm getting so sick of hearing about "Christmas in July", please STOP!

by Piranha July 7, 2005

126πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

July 27

The day bad bitches were born

Guy 1: damn she is a bad bitch

Guy 2: well duh her bday is July 27

by Tùrtlès69 November 12, 2020

56πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

July 21

National Peng Day
All people born on July 21st are obviously the pengest

Man 1:Ooo she’s penggg init
Man 2:Shes definatley bone on July 21

by princesskatiexox October 17, 2019

55πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž