To be Passive-Agressive about your political point, especially around people or a community that is extremely hostile to your opinion.
*shares quote about Anne Frank’s notes about people getting abducted from their homes, trying to hint about ICE raids*
Followers: Hey, you can be open about what you believe in.
Me: Can I? I’m legally not allowed to talk about my beliefs online because of my employment, and that’s why I’m being so Political-Aggressive.
Moron in gc: Saying moaning aggressively
Me: "Stfu"
Agressive Anger is the opposite of Passive Aggressive Anger. Expressing your wrath directly to the person you are angry at witnout worrying about keeping things pleasant.
Talk about Aggressive Anger, Toni finally yelled No I dont want any more of your Deviled Eggs, I dont even like eggs Grandma!
Someone or something that is not just average or mediocre, but shockingly so. There is not a single good or bad attribute about the person or thing in question, and it's aggressively apparent.
Mike's girlfriend is aggressively okay. She's not ugly, but not at all pretty.
Too much boob in a too small space
Her top is so small, she is not- hence aggressive boobage
When the girl goes sucky suck on the the peen so hard it’s like when you such on a Capri sun so hard the package shrinks but instead of it being the guy who shrivels up and ends up becoming like a rasin
Imma Aggressive Straw you so fast
The act of making out with someone in an aggressive manner ( using more tongue, making out faster, or touching each other more).
We are aggressively making out on our way home from school.
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