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A common exclamation uttered by rapper Lil' John. Regularly parodied on Chapelle's Show.

Sir, would you like fries with that?
I said, would you like fries with that?

by the birds and trees September 1, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

ah yes

It is used in teh orgasme sound, but in this defintion is used when you finally understand something. Used in the gangsta school of Treeline

" You are gay"
" Ah...YEs"

by Sean December 4, 2004

20๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ah Po

A famous Chinese player from Malaysia, who played the map "Pyramid Escape" in Warcraft III: Frozen Throne, and did the following:

- walking straight into boulder
- causes every other player to die in Traffic-Light
- first to be killed by giant Scarab
- first to die in most games
- claims to be pro

Please don't play Pyramid Escape with Ah Po.

Ah Po? The one who got killed in almost every event?

by Ah Po April 27, 2006

4๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Chinese slang for old ladies.

Wei ah-moh! Cross the sidewalk a lil faster eh?

by KevinJ January 21, 2007

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Ah, Cripes

Like crap, darn, and doh!, this is a statement of frustration. This is usually said, however, when a plot is foiled or one is nailed by a good prank or practical joke.

Martin: Mr. Pendor, we have done a background check and have discovered that you have been cheating on your taxes since Roosevelt was President.

Chester: Which one? Teddy or Frank?

Martin: Frank.

Chester: Which term? He had four, you know.

Martin: It doesn't matter! What does matter is that you're under arrest!

Chester: Do you have proof?

Martin: It's all at the station. Why don't you slip into these handcuffs, junior, and we'll let Detective Charles take care of you!

Chester: Ah, cripes...

by Rodney Basil July 28, 2004

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Fucking annoying phonetic pronunciation made popular by The Clique series. Used mostly by 12-year-old girls and people with the mentality of 12-year-old girls.

Morgan: Emigash, did you see those green plaid pants she was wearing? She needs to be sent to fashion rehab ASAP, ah-greed?
Brittany: Ah-greed.
Jessica: Ah-greed.
Taylor: Please shut up.

by rubyslippers29 January 13, 2008

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Ah chingado!

Oh goodness; an expression used when something surprises you

Ah chingado! ...Mira I got honey on me

by jotoluis April 30, 2011

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