Source Code

Alaskan Corndog

When a guy shits into a girls booty hole. The girl then shits his shit into another girls vagina. The guy then proceeds to have sex with the 2nd girl. Once he comes into her shit filled vagina, the 1st girl eats the shit and cum out of the 2nd girls vagina. This is closely related to the Alabama Hot Pocket.

Dude, last night me sharon and tanya did the sweetest alaskan corndog.

by Mister Marx May 18, 2009

22๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alaskan Pipeline

Pooping and freezing the poop so you can use it as a dildo.

She gave me her Alaskan Pipeline for fun.

by 9191 July 9, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alaskan Firedragon

fucking a girl while her pubic hairs are on fire then use semen to take out the fire

we fucked so much that there was so much friction and her pubes caught on fire which creates the Alaskan Firedragon. Used semen to take out the fire.

by alaskakakaka February 26, 2016

21๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

alaskan pipeline

When one "mate" shits in aluminum foil, places it in the freezer, or out side on a cold day, and inserts it in to the other "mates" rectal area to perform pleasure. The frozen piece of tundra replaces the old dildo for something more jagged and cool. *hint: try eating corn, peanuts, and fiber before defecating into the foil for extra ribbed. This maneuver can also be performed solo.

Ben was tired of the traditional dildo in his ass, so he convinced Josh to give him an alaskan pipeline instead. So that morning, Josh took a dumb in aluminum foil, froze it, and had hours of fun when they got off work.

by schmitty81 October 29, 2007

61๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž

alaskan submarine

An alaskan submarine is what you call it when a mormon couple go out into the woods to dance naked in the snow and wife number 1 lures a bear into a clearing with canned spam and the smell of her menstrual blood, and wife number two runs out with a pot of cooked samon to distract the bear from eating wife number two, in the mean time the husband arrives with a chocolate fountain which he knows will drive both his women and the bear insane with lust, then the wives jump onto the bear and take turns pouring whiskey down the bears thoat while the husband stares the bear down menacingly and keeps his dog pack barking at the bear. Then wife number 1 slits the bears throat wide open, while wife number two errotically dances in front of it as it bleeds to death. Then wife number 2 skins the bear and wife number 1 pleasures her inside the bear skin to maintain body heat and also to avoid harming the baby. Then the husband has anal sex with wife number 1 while wife number two prepares bear meat. Then the husband erects a tent made out of bear skin over the sled for his wives to sleep in while he mushes their dogs across through the woods. Then when the husband is tired in the morning both wives take turns sucking him off before he goes to sleep and wife number 2 feeds the tired husband and wife number 1 feeds the dogs and builds a fire for camp.

I'm planning a trip to alaska with my two wives and I definitely know that at least one of my wives would be into the alaskan submarine.

by muddenhoney December 6, 2010

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Alaskan Fishstick

The act of fucking a girl and right when you cum, cover your dick in breadcrumbs and have her suck it.

Frank: "How did it go with that girl last night"
Me: "It was great. I even gave her an Alaskan Fishstick"
Frank: "NO WAY!"

by yourworstknightmare May 9, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alaskan Blindfold

When a man ejaculates on someone's eyelids while they are sleeping, and, upon waking, the target person cannot open their eyes for fear of getting jizzum in them.

"dude, you know how i had to room with that mega-tool Jim last night?"
"yeah, what about it?"
"i got him good man, i gave him an alaskan blindfold."
"nice dude, you got him."

"man, last night Suzy didnt wouldn't let me alligator fuckhouse her, and i was so pissed off, once she went to sleep, i gave her an alaskan blindfold."
"nice, sounds like she deserved it, what a bitch."

by 1337man 69 February 17, 2009

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