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When you poke someone repetitively

Person 1: “So, how should we annoy them today?”
Person 2: “I think we should boop them!”

by @TikTokPenguin October 16, 2019


Word invented and owned by Seany

Im going to boop your nose.

by SeanyBoi666 July 19, 2020


Gently touching someone’s nose with the tip of your finger.

Leon booped Amanda’s nose.

by K1DC0R3 April 11, 2022


A term a of endearment for ejaculation / sexual intercourse...

present tense verb; booping

past tense verb; booped

Tm. Circa. 2009

I booped dead in it.
Did you boop?
They are in there booping

by Teamsters April 5, 2018


The action of touching another persons butt. Usually in a friend circle

Person 1: I just booped that girl over there

Person 2: she’s really popular because she booped this one dude

by Asshole69420 March 8, 2018


A Boop is when you touch someone with your pointer finger

For example:

*boop* “John I BOOPED YOU”

“Omg why am I friends with you” said John

by Boopboi November 7, 2019


Meaning to pop or hit somebody on the face.

When I see her, imma boop her ass.

by 1kslim September 6, 2018