When you poke someone repetitively
Person 1: “So, how should we annoy them today?”
Person 2: “I think we should boop them!”
A term a of endearment for ejaculation / sexual intercourse...
present tense verb; booping
past tense verb; booped
Tm. Circa. 2009
I booped dead in it.
Did you boop?
They are in there booping
The action of touching another persons butt. Usually in a friend circle
Person 1: I just booped that girl over there
Person 2: she’s really popular because she booped this one dude
A Boop is when you touch someone with your pointer finger
For example:
*boop* “John I BOOPED YOU”
“Omg why am I friends with you” said John
Meaning to pop or hit somebody on the face.
When I see her, imma boop her ass.