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is it a four letter word that you can use in various ways that are mostly positive?

Hell yea!
That’s love!

The question is: is it a four letter word that you can use in various ways that are mostly positive?

by Not me 2.0 November 9, 2020

You can lead a fuckwit to logic but you can't make them think

Trying to explain something to someone and no matter how well or how much you explain they just don't get it or refuse to get it.

"All the evidence shows there was no election fraud but trump supporters still won't believe, you can lead a fuckwit to logic but you can't make them think"

by Anton bevermarsh January 10, 2021

3👍 1👎

You can just die out here for all I care, DIE!

The best line from any book ever!.)The breadwinner graphic novel.)

Your crazy, CRAZY. You can just die out here for all I care, DIE!

by EV64290?Call me.) October 16, 2019

3👍 2👎

you can take a dog to a tree but you can't make it bend its leg

The application of the expression 'you can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink' the more familiar domestic dog.
When someone either deliberately or through stupidity refuses to take the obvious decision or follow the necessary course of action.
Can also be "...cock its leg".

A: "I told X to look at the new proceedures before the promotion interview"
B: "yeah, well, you can take a dog to a tree but you can't make it bend its leg".

by MoLincs September 20, 2009

14👍 3👎

im wondering if theres a limit to the words you can include in a dictionary, like seriously.

when you are im wondering if theres a limit to the words you can include in a dictionary, like seriously.

if you are feeling like im wondering if theres a limit to the words you can include in a dictionary, like seriously. you should run for your life.

im wondering if theres a limit to the words you can include in a dictionary, like seriously.

by sir johnathan the 2nd April 4, 2022

9👍 1👎

Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now i know my abc now you can sing with me

The best song in the world

Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now i know my abc now you can sing with me is good

by Fjshdhsj September 9, 2020

5👍 2👎

You can teach a goat to square dance, but that doesn’t mean he’ll like cupcakes

Life is unpredictable, strange and beautiful. Always live on the bright side of life.

Well, you know what they sayyou can teach a goat to square dance, but that doesn’t mean he’ll like cupcakes

by Dudewholikesbannanas May 9, 2021