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cheating fuck

A mofo that cheats!

Eric is a cheating fuck.

by Daryl April 1, 2016

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Cum Cheat

When you have a girl but you jack to another broads pics.

I caught Steve cum cheating to pictures of that skank Mary

by Monkeymule August 13, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

mental cheating

being attracted to someone else while you are in a relationship, yet do not take physical action on your attraction to them.

Joe - "I'm going out with Anna but I've been so fucking attracted to this other chick i met at the party last week"
Jack - "yea man i think that's called mental cheating, sort that shit out"

by cakescake January 2, 2011

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Liar and a cheat

The opposite of Gentleman and a scholar. That is, a joking diss. Often used to refute the claim that someone is a Gentleman and a scholar or vice versa.

Jack: I can't believe you did that, that's low...
Bob: What ever do you mean? I'm a gentleman and a scholar!
Jack: You sir, are nothing more than a Liar and a cheat.

by The Gentleman and scholar May 1, 2009

29๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


Binge watching a show you love together, without your significant other

We broke up because his lying ass binge-cheated on me with Parks and Rec

by Captain Christian March 20, 2020

Desk Cheat

Method of cheating at school that consists of a student asking about one of the multiple answer questions to the teacher and another student knocking on the desk repeatedly. The number of knocks is equal to one of the answers, so if the other student knocks on the desk 2 times, it's option B.

Student 1: Teacher, what do I have to do in question 3?
Student 2: *knocks on desk 3 times*
Student 1: (Thinking) So it's option C! Thanks for the desk cheat...

by Yooshee August 20, 2020


As in deceiving and manipulating dates and love interests.
Dating multiple people/friends in the same social circles.
Not being transparent about dating choices.
To act as a blatant player.

If a man dates two women who are best friends intentionally and doesn't communicate with either of them then he his date-cheating

by sunnysummers November 21, 2012