the male genitalia is half erect when topics of the domestic variety come up in conversation while the prior to, or during the act of intercourse , the male is husband material because he is polite and does not do anything the woman does not want to.
the man gained a husband chub when the woman mentioned marriage.
When you are usually very fit and maintain a well rounded body of fitness but are forced to not workout for a multiple days and you feel your fitness slipping through your now chubby fingers.
Ashley felt like a chub-ball after her CrossFitting came to a halt and she worked out like a regular person.
A challenge in which any number of male participants partakes in watching the motion picture, Magic Mike and the first of the participants to acquire an erection is deemed as homosexual and cast out from the group. The last man not standing is the winner.
"do ya wanna do the chub challenge"
the condition of an erection after taking too many stimulants
i got this "speed-chub"..i can fuck for like 2 minutes at a time but then it starts to go soft..then i gotta like milk that blood back in and go back to fuckin. this bitch be rollin her eyes i'm lovin it.
this is a train to nowhere baby so it's gonna be all night ;)
now bend down further i need to do a line
The musty chub is quite a strange specimen, in that it emits a rather offensive odor in order to protect itself or to frighten off predators. The musty chub is quite an amiable creature and will attempt to smother you in "chub hugs".
Musty chub: Moawwwwww!
Generic person A: I say, what in the blazes is that terrible smell?
Generic person B: It's the musty chub.
Generic person A: nvm.
Musty chub: Moawwwwww!
When you bust such a fat load in your pants you look like a baby that just shat itself
Dallin:uhhh *cum noises*
Jacob: bro did you just nut!!??
Kitt:ew he has a cum chub!