The funny guy on twitter (@MrCone_)
Ayyy its the funny guy Mr Cone
A cone packer or cone packers; people who pack pre rolled cone joints and can’t actually roll
Kelvin: yo bro look at that kid filling his joint
Dylan: what a cone packer
To be smoking bongloads or pipeloads of cannabis, where the bowl is shaped like a cone.
Bro last night i was gonna smash cones with stoners on FB live, but my phone battery died.
An undesirable bisexual woman whose emotional and relationship baggage and raging anger make her impossible to have any relationship with, let alone a triadbut who insists she is a rare desirable unicorn whose rarity makes her in charge of all relationships. A donkey with a traffic cone on her head pretending to be a Unicorn.
Burcu thought she was a Unicorn, but she's SUCH a Cone Donkey!
An old fashion butt F*&king, with nothing but spit as lube.
Person 1: "I heard his girl likes the construction cone."
Person 2: "Really?! so does Steve"