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Full-cycle red light

A traffic light that turns from yellow to red just as you get there and causes you to have to wait until the signal runs it's full cycle before it is your turn to pass. Seemingly stays red forever.

Usually at an intersection that includes turn arrow signals for cars making left turns.

Full-cycle red lights are commonly experienced while lost in the city. See the Law of wrong way.

I would have been there on time, but every intersection I came to was a full-cycle red light. Consequently, I was 15 minutes late for the Boss's meeting. FML.

by Markwonder October 28, 2010

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samsung spin cycle sloppy toppy

When a female is performing oral sex on her male partner in a spin like motion reminiscent of a Samsung washer on a spin cycle mode with an extraordinary amount of saliva hence the sloppy toppy

Harry-β€œman Jessica gave me that Samsung spin cycle sloppy toppy”

Sean-β€œwhat’s that?

Harry-β€œthe best head you’ll ever receive”

by The Sneaky Man May 28, 2019

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Peddling your menstrual cycle

When a woman uses her menstrual cycle as a talking point or an excuse for behavior.

Woman: "I just can't deal with this, I'm on my period" Man: " are you peddling your menstrual cycle?"

Woman: "omfg! I seriously need something sweet rn, this period is insane" Man: "you don't need to peddle your menstrual cycle, just eat a snickers"

by hardyanimal September 1, 2022

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Wetty Necky Spin Cycle 3000 Deluxe

When a Male lays down on top of a roomba naked while erect and have the roomba spin around while the female gives him a blow job.

Mark: "Oh, what did you and Jessica do last night?"
James: "I got lucky, she gave me the Wetty Necky Spin Cycle 3000 Deluxe!"
Mark: "Nice dude!"

by Java_Cakes January 16, 2019

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cycle inaccurate emulation of their religion

(From software emulators where the processor chip instructions were skipped if they weren't practical/necessary to be emulated)
1. The way any "nonstandard" religion operates today, when compared to back in the days of greco-roman or medieval europe times or the common stereotypes. A cycle accurate Aztec would capture people, sacrifice them to the Sun and eat them. To emulate the Aztecs today would require cycle innacurate emulation because cannibalism and human sacrifice is illegal. Likewise Satanists today are cycle inaccurate because they don't sacrifice goats. Wiccans today are cycle inaccurate because they don't hex their enemies or worship demons. Catholics are cycle inaccurate because they don't burn women at he stake anymore. Being cycle inaccurate is not necessarily a bad thing. The decision to be cycle inaccurate is because of practical and legal reasons.

There are probably people who call themselves Aztecs or Mayans, but that's cycle inaccurate emulation of their religion.

by Bravehearts thirst for blood December 20, 2006

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Sloppy Toppy Spin Cycle Gluck Gluck 3K

This act can only be performed on the hulking, 100% confirmed 69'9 tall tyler1. The fucktoy must climb a mountain of perfect physique impale themselves on the highest pinnacle of manmeat. Tyler will pinch the helpless fucktoy by the head and spin them around on his cock like a pinwheel. The fucktoy will spin at a rapid pace until popping free. After having their insides hollowed out by Tyler's monster arm, the fucktoy will then gluck gluck on his meat tower in consecutive fashion, followed by swallowing 3000 gallons of flawless DNA.

retrad: Did you hear Kayla almost died doing the Sloppy Toppy Spin Cycle Gluck Gluck 3K?

retrad 2: Can't even properly compress her organs, what a fuckin casual.

by binder full of ankle pics September 1, 2022

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code exedelius fortana type zero curse of the zero daybreak nexus cycle zero

the most generic of anime, voiced by Joe Zieja

My friend: What's your favorite anime?

Me: Code Exedelius Fortana Type Zero Curse of the Zero Daybreak Nexus Cycle Zero

My Friend: 0^0

by Pretend This is Somethin Funny November 30, 2020