Source Code

Gem of Destruction

The Gem of Destruction is used to destroy anything with ultimate power.

The Gem of Destruction is God's Wrath in the physical form.

by Gottüberallesπ April 1, 2021

Pelvic destruction

Fucking someone so hard you destroy their pelvis

That girl was giving me blueballs, so when she finally gave in, I carried out pelvic destruction.

by Ululu February 28, 2021

Implements of destruction

Various things, objects, or utensils used to obtain a buzz or get high with

Scotty wanted to get high before he went out that night so he went to his drawer to grab his implements of destruction

by Stiffy_theStifone May 4, 2022

Noah; Mr. Self Destruct

see Bitch; an unpleasant woman; the female of the dog or some other carnivore.

"Man I hope my boyfriend doesn't turn out to be like Noah; Mr. Self Destruct!"

by Daniel beefpiles December 15, 2006

Destruction through Construction

The act of diminishing or destroying the original meaning or purpose of an entity (be it individual, location, building, group, etc) during the act of building it up (building up the image, adding to the building, adding more rules to a group, etc). Not to be confused with hype, which is the building up of expectation.

Guy 1: “Man the club used to be so fun, now its just a drag, what happened?”
Guy 2: “Destruction through construction, id say it happened when that one guy came in and added all those rules.”

by Jacob Mei April 21, 2010

The American Piledriver of Destruction

Sending a bald eagle in search for a hot stripper, bringing her back and tie her around a flag pole with the American flag waving in the wind with the bald eagle standing on top of the flag pole watch as Cam Newton throws a perfect spiral of absolute destruction into her. AMERICA FUCK YEAHHHHHHH!!

Luke: Cam Newton with the American Piledriver of Destruction, did amazing.
Liam: Oh shit, I was once asked to do that.

by geageoheglhaen December 1, 2015

mutually assured destruction

A type of unit in Command & Conquer Red Alert

"I'd biuld a MAD tank but they're so damn expensive"

by AHHHHHHHHH September 24, 2003