Randomly spitting out too much information that's either relevant or irrelevant to the conversation
Person 1: "Do you know how antibiotics screw with your stomach because our normal gut flora lines our GI tract which protects us from other pathogens. So what the antibioitcs are doing is killing good bacteria in your stomach allowing bad bacteria to colonize. That is why most ppl who have been on antibiotics for too long get explosive diarrhea or clostridium difficile."
Person 2: Mental Diarrhea...
9👍 4👎
Red diarrhea is yummy and healthy but painful to get.
Person: Yo, dude I just had some red diarrhea.
Dude: Yo that's sick man.
Person: IKR
When a man's testicles explode into a micro-biode solution that forms a diarrhea-type substance.
The doctor says I have to get neutered due to my testicular diarrhea.
(tur-muh-nuhl dai-ur-ee-uh) : noun : Not to be confused with Terminal Poop Disorder, Terminal Diarrhea is an affliction that can have many different cuases. For example harsh medications, food poisoning or binge drinking to name just a few. The main characteristic of this affliction is that The afflicted is 100% sure that they are about to shit themselves to death (in some cases rightfully so).
"Bill are you okay in there?" asked Susie knocking on the bathroom door.
"No!" exclaimed Bill "I've been drinking Mad Dog 2020 for a week now, my insides are hanging out of my asshole and I think I'm going to shit myself to death".
"Oh no" say's Susie sadly "Bill, I think you have Terminal Diarrhea"
See also: Explosive Diarrhea
This is what happens when someone misspells a word over and over in a chat room, while trying to correct it at the same time.
*in a chat room*
Johnny: man I am fucking loving this plamsa lamp
Johnny: plasam*
Johnny: plsama*
Johnny: FUCK
Danny: nice finger diarrhea, mate
When you have extremely bad diarrhea so bad that when it comes out it feels like it could rip apart the universe and leaves you butthole raw
Lisa had to go to the bathroom she ate to much Mexican food now she has cosmic diarrhea