Rare autoimmune disease believed to have
Symptoms :A general state of Disheveledness
Treatment: A haircut and well ironed uniform
Is billy okay? He looks like he may have caught the Harkinson’s disease?
The term is used to describe a woman’s vagina if it appears unkempt and in general poor condition.
I ended up sleeping with my best mates great grandmother, after drinking too much moonshine. When I finally got eyes on the prize and she spread her legs, her vagina had the appearance of a diseased badger dude!
A person who frequently and commonly contracts diseases. Like a cold, or STDs.
Tori: I have a cold.
Sarah: Again? God, you're such a disease bucket!
The disease that you correct people's grammar and spelling on purpose to annoy them.
don't come at me with T disease, that's so annoying.
When a close friend of yours leaves all of his close friends for his new girlfriend, and practically falls off the face of the earth so he can be with her every waking moment. This is the act of being "pussy whipped"
Joe, I know Mary is a cool girl, but make sure you don't catch Briansens disease
Any disease that is usually transmitted via touching paper dollars or coins, and putting those hands in places on your body where they can get in, like a cut or other external cavities. Such diseases are The Common Cold, influenza, or E. coli.
My friend Mark's in the hospital from a dollarborne disease. He was diagnosed with E. coli.
Wash your hands after handling money, or you may be liable to contract a dollarborne disease.
Dollarborne diseases can spread almost as easily as airborne diseases these days.
A disease acquired by being alive to witness 2016 and all of its horrors.
Symptoms that are included, but aren't limited to:
-Lack of motivation
-A loss of faith in humanity
-The desire to participate in irritating memes/trends (dabbing,bottle toss, manikin challenge)
-complaining about how bad this year was
-And of course feeling way too sensitive and more of offended by anything that isn't politically correct
Me: when's 2016 gonna be over...IT WAS THE WORST...i got nothing done...bla bla bla
Other person: WTF are you talking about it ended, it's been 2017 for like a month now
Me: I'm sorry, I still have 2016 disease for some reason
Other person: *puts hand on my shoulder * I know man it's tough, but you can get through this, trust me I did and you will too
Me: if you say so.
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