A person or persons that are obsessed with being popular, their whole life is about it.
The boy had a sever case of Obsessive Popularity Disorder because he only cared about being popular and not about being himself.
A term which refers to a habit of being a complete asshole
That guy has Complete Asshole Disorder.
Those who ferociously post inane arguments from their armchairs.
Farah has armchair warrior disorder, he spends all his time online defending inane political arguments that go nowhere.
I have a big dick disorder that’s why I walk like that
An anxiety disorder in which uncontrollable intrusive thoughts and mental/physical compulsions make sufferers miserable. These intrusive thoughts can include violent and taboo obsessions that make the sufferer question their identity.
It's a painful, torturous disorder I'd wish on nobody.
"Emily couldn't eat because her obsessive compulsive disorder made her lose her appetite."
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A person that is suffering from Wackass Personality Disorder has two or more of the following symptoms present for at least a week:
1)Dresses in a matter were none of his or her articles of clothing matches.
2)Listens to music based on how cool it is.
3)Assumed to be homosexual, mainly because of the resemblance of his or her personality attributes to that of a homosexual.
4)Has an admiration for only the things that he or she likes. Everything else sucks.
5)Never crosses his mind that he or she is actually not cool at all and therefore the disorder persists until help is administered.
6)Overwhelmingly self-centered. Other people are perceived to be something less. This could also be a sign of a sociopath.
7)Shows signs of inauthenticity and/or blatant exaggerations. Not original at all. This is usually the first sign of the disorder.
8)Excessively materialistic to the point were items are bought solely for the prestige.
9)Lies about various things in order to hide from the public his or her condition.
Wackass Personality Disorder is a serious disorder of the personality that needs to be treated immediately upon diagnosis. Left untreated, the person suffering from it can have dire consequences leading to a more severe case of Wackass Antisocial Personality Disorder.
Person 1: What's up with the graph paper designed shirt with the pink shorts?
Psychologist: He might be severely suffering from Wackass Personality Disorder. It's a very common disorder nowadays.
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Is a fairly common problem where people experience ‘obsessions’, recurring unwanted thoughts which are difficult to stop, and ‘compulsions’, rituals of checking behaviour or repetitive actions which are carried out in an attempt to relieve the thoughts.
Jocelyn has obsessive compulsive disorder, and checks the door 16 times to make sure it is locked.
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