Doing over the top and beyond when you don’t need to and it makes you look stupid
Bro , you Doin’ Much , stop it , you look stupid
Aight bra , my bad
a indiana guy in the big city of chicago, just tryin' to make it.
how yall doin' skeeter
What the girl you’re dating does
“Are Lydia and Kaylee dating?”
Lydia: “bitch doin Coke at my grandma’s in my dreams”
doin bwaaa dem kicks look fresh bwaa, they'd look better on me bwaaa
The inly way to ever pick up a girl. Has a 99% sucess rate (failed only once). The inly pick up line you’ll ever need.
Guy: How YOU doin’
Girl: *Blushes*
Similar to “living on the edge” but with much more flare and substance
“What are you doing with four skittles and a car battery!?”
“I’m doin’ life risky.”