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Arrowhead Park Early College

A high school in Las Cruces New Mexico that’s filled with nerds. Anytime you have a conversation with someone from Arrowhead, they always tell you “i’M gRaDuAtiNg hiGh sChOoL with my aSoCiAtEs dEgReE.” Instead if saying “I have English next period,” they say “I’ve got AP English 3 Honors next.”

Oh that kid’s smart, he must go to Arrowhead Park Early College.

by arrowheadboi November 4, 2018

2👍 1👎

Metro Early college middle school

Microwaveless hell hole. A place for depressed children to become even more depressed as soon as they get their first 89%. If you get an "elective" you don't get to choose it. Mastery is the only thing that matters and you would gladly give your soul to pass all your classes. All students want is to get the hell out of there. Walls? Never heard of them. Will to live? Who's she? We are depressed children. And if you go to mecms the last sentence made you think about the habits, which,if you don't, is a morning ritual chant that's all part of our principals overall goal to turn this school in to proper cult.

If you're considering going there run. Now.

And they're making an elementary school too.


Person:"See that girl who looks like she wants to die?"
Person 2: "that's because she goes to metro Early college middle School"

by I'mSorryMom November 3, 2018

Metro Early College High School

Metro, commonly referred to as "hell" by the sophomore class, is a STEM school.

Metro was created on the idea that kids could go on an accelerated school life, and go straight to college. By doing two years of college, students can get a start into the world.
Metro constantly changes, leading to confusion. Seniors relax, knowing that they will never again have to deal with Metro's flux, while the freshman class dread the upcoming years.

Procrastinators are never punished, thus everyone at Metro procrastinates in some way. The only way for a procrastinator to become punished is if the teachers call the parents. Students who find themselves on the receiving end of this expect to hear lectures.

Grading is one thing that has not changed in the history of Metro. At Metro, one must meet what is called MASTERY, or a 90% or higher. Failing to receive this grade, even receiving 89%, results in the dreaded WIP.

Metro runs on an online system. Students submit work onto a site called Taskstream, which are then graded by teachers that are tech-savvy enough to use a Mac. If a student does not have access to a computer, the school will provide a used MacBook. If the student does not have Wi-Fi, the school simply shows the kid to a hotspot.

The other part of Metro's monitoring system is known as PowerSchool. This is a grade book where teachers can put grades, giving parents a way to monitor kids. However, teachers never update their grade book, usually leading to classes with no grade.

Powerschool Grade: 89% (WIP)

Parent: Powerschool says You're not meeting your potential. I sent you to Metro Early College High School so that you could meet your potential

Student: Ok. (Notices lack of grading in over two months.)

by radio414 June 2, 2011

74👍 19👎

Bard High School Early College

BHSEC, a competitive public high school in New York City, was founded by Leon Botstein, president of Bard College. . Students who attend BHSEC graduate with a high school diploma and an Associate's degree. BHSEC's curriculum is known for being especially challenging.

The school is also known for its ethnically diverse student body and large hipster demographic.

You go to Bard High School Early College? I hear that school is so hard- don't you guys take college courses?

by gothamstudent November 17, 2010

67👍 27👎

Bard High School Early College

A high school in Manhattan and Queens where you do college work in 11th and 12th grade. Everyone wants to get into the schools but only around 1% of applicants actually do. It gives so much work that you can't socialize unless you are a superhuman. Lunch is spent doing homework.

Have you heard that Jane went to Bard High School Early College? She can't call us anymore because of the homework.

by Nooneatallhon1 September 11, 2010

44👍 20👎

Nicotra early college charter school

A school so boring you would want to kill your self. There are no sport teams and every program they try to make is pure trash. Their student government voting system is all a popularity contest. Teachers are AmAziNg. We only stay in that school because of the opportunity’s it gives the student. End Of StOrY.

Nicotra early college charter school. that definition of boring.

by Just chill me September 18, 2019

Dont throw your dirt early

1. A lesson from a phrase believed coined by CNN correspondent Kristi Keck, meaning politically, to attack your opponent early, but by the time voting roles along, it is old forgotten news, and nothing is accomplished that much to smear the opponent in the latter since.

2. To hold back your introduction to a stranger until the right time.

3. To re-frame from making decisions or completing an action until you know all of the consequences.

Matt, a tricky but anxious batter was up to bat. With the bases loaded, the coach, knowing the experienced pitchers style, yelled " hey Matt ! "Don't throw your dirt early" ! Hoping that Matt took the clue to bunt.

Dont throw your dirt early

by jeffbo July 7, 2009

7👍 2👎